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[E] soccerjj1
[E] soccerjj1
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over 12 years ago
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over 5 years ago
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/ban soccerjj1 for not banning the person above you and repeating the same reason
over 10 years ago
I saved the .psd files, so I can easily change any of the colors if you want me to, and the border and text effects from the last ones can be added to any of the others:
over 11 years ago
The only part I like about it is the special abilities. The special drops make it too easy to get diamonds and other good items.
over 11 years ago
Thanks for the quick reply <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object> WhatItDo wrote: The original plan was to bring in the build team but if we have time we can make it an event. I completely forgot there was a build team. That would probably be a much better option than an event . <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> I also forgot to mention that the slowness II that's on by default when carrying buildings would be really inconvenient, and most people would probably prefer for it to be disabled. WhatItDo wrote: We have not talked about this yet as a team but im sure someone had brought up an idea of having a main bank like the ones in any other server, built into the main spawn of the server, it would be a safe zone where players can teleport at anytime with the exception of being in combat. I'm not too sure what you mean by a main bank, but I'm personally against any sort of storage that makes your items un-stealable.
over 11 years ago
First of all, Build-in-a-Box looks amazing. Maybe you could have an event on the event server to build different buildings that it would use since it doesn't come with any. The idea of multiple servers sounds pretty nice too. I also have a suggestion or two of changes I'd like to see, as well as some ideas from some of the guests on the server, which I included whether I agreed with them or not so they could at least be considered: Enchantment Tables (I heard these are most likely coming back, but I still thought I'd throw it out there just in case) TNT: TNT is a really important part of raiding on PVP/Faction servers because, without it, you don't have to put any effort into your base to prevent yourself from being raided. All you have to do is keep your power above your land (to whoever suggested setting it to where a faction with higher power can claim your land, this would just force people to invite as many people as possible, whether they should be in the faction or not, just to prevent their land from being overclaimed by someone that invites 20+ people) and your stuff is safe. If necessary you could obviously limit its use, but it shouldn't be disabled completely. If it IS disabled, however, you should at least be able to open other factions' chests that are in their land. No bank chest or ender chests: Although ender chests are disabled, there is currently a bank chest that allows you to store a limited amount of items at the admin shop. Because of this, raiding is essentially useless because it's unlikely that you'll be able to get a faction's diamonds or other valuable items, aside from the small amount they decide to keep at their base for convenience. TNT-able Obsidian: xMoralThreat already suggested this and I definitely agree it is a good idea. With obsidian the way it currently is, it's easy to make a raid-proof base by mining a stack of obsidian then making a tiny vault that nobody can break into. Obviously it should still be very durable to make it worth mining, but it shouldn't be unexplodable (either a set amount of TNT hits , or set to where if TNT explodes while touching the obsidian it will be destroyed). No more PVP Timer: The PVP Timer, to anyone that does not already know, is a timer that prevents you from being able to fight other players for a certain amount of time after teleporting unless you use the command /pvptimer remove. This is extremely inconvenient if you accidentally tp somebody into your base and are unable to hit them for ~30 seconds, giving them plenty of time to set a home, have a look around, and teleport back home. Additionally, there is at least one bug with it that I've noticed, which causes it to stay on infinitely until they choose to use /pvptimer remove. Ender Pearls: As the former members of Rebels and Masters can tell you (YOLO raid), ender pearls can be extremely useful when trying to enter a base, causing player to think of creative ways to get in. If they are enabled, however, it would probably be best to disable them during PVP so you aren't able to run away easily after starting a fight. Warps in the wild: There could be 4 or so warps somewhat far away from spawn from which you could begin exploring. This would make spawn-killing less common, and make it easier to travel from one end of the map to the other. FACTION-RELATED Respawning at faction home after death: Currently, when you die, you respawn at spawn, even if you have a faction home set. This is usually (for me at least) an inconvenience, and it also makes it much harder to raid. Normally if you're able to enter a faction's base and locate their faction home, you are able to raid them by spawn-killing them until their power is low. They are, of course, able to log off, but most people tend to at least try to kill you a few times before giving up, and even then, when they log back on they'll still be at their base, so if you're patient enough you can wait for them to come back. If you respawn at spawn, however, once you die one time, you simply wait 5 minutes to regain all of the power you lost. No Faction Economy: Right now, it costs money to claim land, and because of it there is a faction balance to which you can add your own money. Land-claiming shouldn't be dependent on the amount of money you have, but also, some people might put all of their money in without knowing faction mods can take the money, then mod people that they think they can trust. While I think that betrayal is an important part of faction servers that should definitely be allowed, I feel like being able to take all of someone's money is a bit too much. Free/Cheap Factions(thanks, mobrush123, for reminding me about this one): Factions cost $7500 to create. I understand that the economy will be fixed during the revamp, and that there will be many ways to earn money, but 7500 still seems like a little much. Many people (myself included) like to be able to create a faction as soon as they join a server, and having to go a few days without one can be annoying. Also, sometimes, for strategic purposes, it's useful to give the ownership of your faction to someone you trust, leave your faction, and create a new one. No faction messages in global: Whenever a new faction is created, it says in global who created the faction and the name of it. This also happens whenever a faction's description or owner is changed, or when it's deleted. If factions are free or cheap (as suggested above), then this may happen pretty often. A lot of times, the person that creates a faction is immediately spammed by people asking to join their faction, which can be annoying and cause people that are new to the concept of factions to be raided easily (if they invite someone that then betrays them). MCMMO I personally think MCMMO should not be used on the server. Not only are the combat skills way overpowered, but certain skills can be abused in ways that are illegal and most likely difficult to catch (not going to go into too much detail for obvious reasons, but if any staff members don't know about these then send me a message for more information). Now for the suggestions given by a few of the guests, since the community may like some of the ideas: MrDabomb99 | Jobs Plugin: He didn't have the name (that I'm aware of) of a specific one, but basically a plugin that allows jobs, such as woodcutting, hunting, farming, fishing, etc. as additional ways of making money mobrush123 | More Villages: Plugin (no specific plugin given) or some other way to increase the number of villages on the server More diamonds: Increased number of diamonds generated to make finding them easier isaacza | /shop Command: A command that would be used in place of or in addition to the admin shop to buy/sell items from wherever you want mattyolo | More Islands: Plugin (no specific plugin given) that increases the number of islands on the server I also looked at the donation page and saw that bedrock is given as a reward for donating. I personally think this is way overpowered since it allows you to make a vault that nobody can ever enter to store anything you want that will be safe from anything, even if your power drops below 0.
over 11 years ago